It's never too late to be your best self!
Boost your level of Happiness!
Walking Therapy speeds up the rapport and therapeutic process
A 20 minute walking in nature can benefit your mood for 12 hours!
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Discover the allure of Walking Therapy

An integrative approach to physical and mental thriving!

Embark on the serene path of Walking Therapy, where therapeutic conversations happen amidst the calming embrace of nature. Breathe in the fresh air, feel the sun’s warmth on your shoulders, and witness the graceful presence of deer and squirrels. It’s a harmonious blend of self-reflection and the wonders of the natural world, transforming the traditional therapy setting into an interactive journey beyond the office. Click on the video to experience what Walking Therapy feels like:

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What are the benefits of walking therapy? 

Nervous System

The bilateral movement of walking creates a calming effect on your brain, inducing a trance-like state. In this state, you can process trauma with the grounding presence of nature. Walking therapy helps you connect mindfully with your body sensations and emotions.

Therapeutic Rapport

Walking therapy creates a calming space for healing, fostering a deep connection. Synchronized pacing activates mirror neurons, enhancing ease and openness. Nature and therapeutic support collaboratively calm the nervous system, making sessions profoundly beneficial for your well-being.

Remodels Cognitions

Nature therapy brings profound benefits to your well-being. Amidst changing seasons, a sense of hope emerges as we walk and discuss your concerns. Immersing in nature diminishes stress and boosts mood, reducing rumination by 85%. Beyond that, it reduces anxiety and ADHD symptoms, enhancing mindful awareness and focus for a more positive therapeutic experience.


Walking therapy enhances overall health. It boosts blood flow, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, and increases heart rate variability. Nature walks also diversify good gut bacteria, potentially alleviating depression and anxiety. This holistic approach positively impacts mood, sleep, eye health, sleep-wake rhythms, and mind-body connections.


Each session is strictly confidential, however, therapy in a public space has some special considerations such as other people overhearing our conversation or approaching us. If people are close to us, we might need to pause our conversation momentarily to ensure we are not heard. If someone approaches us, usually a quick “hi” will do the trick.


Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions. Wear sunscreen, a hat, comfortable, weatherproof clothes, and walking shoes. Bring water to drink.


Embark on a Walking Therapy journey- A Step by Step Guide

  • STEP 1: Begin your experience by clicking here to schedule your virtual intake session and then complete the necessary paperwork, assessments, and the Best Self intake form.
  • STEP 2: Virtual Intake Session: Dive into an insightful baseline intake that explores how current situations and past trauma impact your stress levels today. Before you sign off, we will schedule your Walking Therapy sessions.
  • STEP 3: The Walk Out: After defining the focus of your inner work, we’ll examine how your past influences current concerns and how these issues manifest in your life affecting your overall well-being.
  • STEP 4: Brainspotting: Depending on the trail, traffic, and weather conditions, you may immerse yourself in the healing embrace of nature as our session unfolds into a Brainspotting journey. For a deeper understanding of the magic of Brainspotting, click here.
  • STEP 5: The Tranquil Walk Back: Upon concluding our session, engage in activities to reset your nervous system and lay down new neuropathways. Walk back feeling rejuvenated, knowing every aspect of your well-being is considered and addressed.
  • STEP 6: The Enchanting Nature Surprise: While I cannot guarantee the occurrence of nature’s surprises when they unfold, they become enchanting and elevate our therapeutic journey. Picture a flock of blue jays gracefully flying overhead, an unexpected new animal friend crossing our path, or twenty magical butterflies swirling around you. Having practiced Walking Therapy for over a decade, I remain awestruck by nature’s ceaseless creativity, consistently infusing our sessions with insightful and delightful surprises.

Participating in Walking Therapy while in nature is an immersive experience that leaves you feeling grounded, deeply connected, and remarkably clear. You may find yourself revitalized, bathed in a sense of happiness, and carrying a profound sense of accomplishment. Are you ready to take a step towards thriving both mentally and physically? Let’s walk and talk our way to your Best Self!

Here’s what clients are saying

“I found Sherian Lee when my Psychiatrist recommended I find a therapist/coach to help with my depression recovery. Medication was only part of the road to recovery. Sherian Lee of BestSelf is a LMFT who has been working with my depression, negative self talk, and ADD. Sherian Lee and walking brainspotting therapy has made a tremendous difference in my recovery. You can’t beat walking therapy at Rancho San Antonio. This is a great change from talk therapy where you sit in an office. Walking Therapy allows you to get exercise while talking about issues that are holding you back. Sherian’s Brainspotting is skilled at getting you to drill down to what is causing problems such as with depression, ADD, negative self talk, parenting issues, behavioral issues, and anxiety. As a business owner, Sherian has made a major difference in helping me with all aspects of my business. I am lucky to have Sherian as part of my team with therapy, coaching, business coaching, weight management, understanding my ADHD, getting me through serious depression. She has a wealth of experience and many tools available to help you with your particular issues. I would recommend Sherian as the best psychotherapist in the valley. She is committed to your recovery, always positive, you never feel like she is going through the motions. Very good about not letting you get off subject. Holds you accountable through the use of apps for your smartphone. Don’t be afraid to contact Sherian no matter your age or issue for yourself or your children.”

- Current Client